Friday, March 26, 2010

Easter Baskets for Special Diets

First a disclaimer.....see past blogs about sugar and behavior and sugar and heart disease... (and lets not forget tooth decay).

Sometimes, though, candy is going to be in the picture so what do you do when you need a candy that is gluten free or casein free or dye free or soy free or (fill in the blank) free?
This website,
allows you to search for candies that meet specific dietary criteria. In addition to candy they also have toppings and baking supplies (sprinkles!). After you search, you can view the ingredients before you place your order.

While filling your basket (or party bag or whatever) think about other special items to toss in OTHER than candy. Playdough, whistles, balls, a "coupon" for an outing, bubbles, seeds or little plants for spring planting (try sweet peas, for an easy veggie to grow).
Adding an orange, kiwi or little apple can even make the fruit look more appetizing (humor me!)

Enjoy the spring!


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Buyer Beware, Part one.

A lot in the news today to remind us to take care with our food and supplement purchases.

The FDA, after a number of years of very lax enforcement, is heroically tackling mis-information on labels.

Does Beechnut DHA Plus Apple Delight, really have no added sugars as the label suggests?
Is Pom juice a food or a drug? The FDA thinks perhaps it is a drug since it is advertised as curing plague buildup in arteries, curing prostate cancer and improving erectile function!
Does Spectrum Organic All Vegetable Shortening really contain less saturated fat then butter?

The FDA is questioning these claims, as well as others. Read all of the letters sent from the FDA to food manufacturers


Allergies: It is all upside down.

Our hypothesis is that by introducing the food into the diet early on, the body will see it as normal and won't become allergic to it. We're questioning a fundamental preconception," -Graham Roberts, MD, pediatric allergist at King's College London.

The annual meeting of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology is occurring right now and research is being presented that challenges early feeding recommendations. About two years ago, the American Academy of Pediatrics tossed out the notion that holding back on introducing specific foods will prevent allergies. Although that recommendation was made, most pediatricians are still telling parents to wait until 2-5 years of age to introduce common allergens such as nuts, fish or even eggs. But according to recent research, holding back on these foods may actually increase the risk of allergies.

What to do when your 9 month old is staring at that peanut butter Ritz Bitz? At this point, the answer seems to be pretty controversial. Ask your allergist or pediatrician what s/he thinks about this research.
